Our Journey
Creating Experiences that Change
People and Environments
Establishing the goals and objectives of any program is the bedrock to which all things are built and to which they return. They help guide the content and overall planning, resulting in great outcomes and success.
The experience and often story you want to convey to those who participate weaves throughout all aspects of the process. It provides a sense of place and anchor for both the participants as well as those involved in the planning.
All your time and hard work helps you produce an experience for those who participate. Ensuring there is a clear flow of events and the right pieces are in place provides a map for your participants to reference and experience.
Bob Upgren
Speaker and Author
Sean is one of the best event planners on the planet. Period. His passion and commitment to detail are a rare combination that place his events in a category all their own. He is able to take even the most complicated of events and pull them off with excellence. Anyone searching for event services should place his contact info front and center. I can't recommend his services highly enough.
Jennifer Anderson
Director of Food & Beverage
Intercontinental Hotel
St. Paul Riverfront
It is truly few & far between to find someone like Sean that shows such attention to detail while providing
quality service to both the venue and
the end user client.
Tom Pellet
Division Director - Meetings and Conventions at American Academy of Family Physicians (retired)
Sean's middle name is detail & professionalism. All the projects we worked on over the years I never had to be concerned about Sean giving me his all and doing it right the first time. He is the consummate meeting professional.